
Dear St. Jude, Mama Mary, Papa Pio, St. Peregrine, St. Anthony, St. Therese, Papa Jesus, and all the saints in heaven please intercede for me. My faithful friends who are here please help pray with me. The results of my father’s biopsy was not the results we were expecting to get but I would like to thank you for guiding all his doctors to find the right medicine for his tumor. Please do not allow our hearts to lose hope and not to lose our faith that God will answer our prayers. He’s been battling cancer and has overcome so much because of your grace and mercy. I come before you now once again with a humble heart. I hope I didn’t take for granted all the times you have granted all my requests. Please I am begging for mercy upon my father who is still weak trying to recover from his surgery. Please do not let this cancer stay inside his body and heal him. Please make the new medicine that they will put in his body effective and will only give him minimal side effects. Please heal everything in his body and be cleansed by the blood of the Holy Spirit. Please bless him with more time to be with us. Please have mercy on my father. Please heal his cancer. I know in my heart that nothing is impossible to God as He performed so many miracles in my life and our lives. Please heal my father from this cancer and let him hold on much longer to be with us his family. Please never get tired of helping us. I also pray for my mom who’s been so worried and taking care of my father every day. She has pains in her body and is sick too. Please heal her body, mind, and spirit. Please keep her healthy and strong too. Continue to make her health stable and bless her with more time to be with us too. Please make all the scans and checkups of my parents turn out well. Please do not let her get cancer and other incurable diseases. I also ask prayers for myself. Please do not let me have cancer and other incurable illnesses. I am begging for more time so I can be here for my children. They are still young and they need me as much as I need them. Thank you so much for a normal results in my preventative exam. Please I am begging for grace upon me that all my scans and checkups will be good, i will have my mammogram and physical checkups. Please make everything good results. I fervently pray to be blessed with good health and more time to live. My children needs me as much as I need them as well as my family. I also pray for my husband that he will always be healthy too and blessed with more time to be with us. I pray that all his scans and checkups to be good as well. My husband has this hobby that I am always worried if he is safe. I hope he will find in his heart to think about our kids and his family if ever something happen to him. My brothers and their children and my children to be always healthy and that nobody in our family will have cancer. Please help us and I pray that all my requests are God’s will too. I just want to spend more time with my family. Please allow this to happen. Please heal my father from his cancer and make everything go well with his treatments and there will be no side effects, Continue to give him strength to overcome this. Please I am begging you to heal my father. Do not let this cancer spread in his body please. Please heal my father. Please bless me and my family with more time to live this beautiful life you have given us. I pray that I will still be here when my children gets their first period and choosing their wedding gowns and seeing my grandkids. I fervently pray for more time. Please bless us the gift of time and good health. Please help us. I don’t know what to do. Papa Jesus I trust in you. I pray that my family will be protected from any forms of evil. I also pray for my children that they will love each other always and help one another in this life. Please bless them with a bright future and good husbands as well as beautiful children who will continue to love and serve the Lord. Thank you for being able to check my mom’s rashes. I pray that these allergies will completely go away and never to come back. Please do not let my children be separated from God and Mama Mary. Please help everyone who are sharing their prayers here. Please heal those who are ill and needs miracles, help everyone who is in need, give these people more time to live their lives with their loved ones, and give hope to those who are feeling hopeless. Please give us strength. Please reward our never ending faith. Amen