Dear blessed St Jude, please intercede to Jesus Christ our lord and saviour to stop all my daughter’s enemies . please stop the president of the association of my apartment complex in my native country and other office bearers to stop harrassing my daughter and they are so nasty that they hide a major burst in the transformer of the apartment which caused a surge in the electricity in the apartment and burned lot of wires a switch points. There was also a problem with the generator also. but not mentioned in the whattsaap group of the apartment complex residents and owners.
it is all so dangerous – please please stop all their hatred towards my daughter and me also – because she is having an affair and now that looks like its over but he still comes there – and her friends all boys also coming and its a family only people live there and she is the only single lady in her thirties there. she has no job now and she is so highly qualified and wasting away – please urgently come to help her lord – she is so naive and an idiot- please let her find her soul mate to love to marry and to have a family which she never had – please remove all her obstacles lord to find her soul mate who will rescue her from the mess she is in.
please let her stop all the vulgar dances and exposure in social media which she does
please let your mighty power stop all her enemies from attacking her and now she has joined the whattsapp please let her speak the right things and not fight with them – please guide her in the right path lord – and let a solution reach on how to repair the damage to my house – please forgive all our bad deeds if any towards anyone and all curses go away – please let her break all her ill fortune and sadness and have a bright future. please let her come to this country if that is what you want for her lord. Thank you for all your favours to her amen