Anon, Ireland

Please help me. I have realised that a person I helped and cared for for many years, has decevied me with the worst type of mortal sins against me right from the start. I never believed he could be so wicked. He betrayed me financially and spiritually, in full knowledge of the daily consequences of his actions, and the serious impact on my life and that of my son. I am so distraught, I have no one to turn to. I believed him to be devoutly religious, but in fact he is the only truly evil person I have ever met, and has no remorse for the lasting damage to my life.. I did everything to help him and am in a deep state of shock that I could have been so wrong about someone. He hides behind religiosity, but this is all false. How can I deal with my life, knowing the mortal sins he committed against me? Is there any restitution possible from someone so fundamentally betrayed me so badly? Please hear my cry for help. Amen