Frequently Asked Questions
What is the National Shrine of St. Jude?
Founded in 1929 by the Claretian Missionaries, the National Shrine of St. Jude is a special place of hope and prayer. The National Shrine includes the altar and the statue of St. Jude, two relics of St. Jude, and the devotional room of votive candles. The Vatican was especially generous to the Claretians, giving us two first-class relics of bone for the National Shrine in the 1920s. The large relic reminds us of St. Jude’s complete love for God, and of the complete reverence he gave Jesus as one of his Apostles. The small relic is heavily protected in special glass and anchored in brass; this allows us to make it accessible to touch for all who visit the Shrine.
The peace and warmth of the National Shrine make it a uniquely personal place to pray or to have your petitions remembered in prayers and Masses said by the Claretians.
The National Shrine of St. Jude is located at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at 3200 E. 91st Street in Chicago. All correspondence should be sent to the St. Jude League, 205 W. Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606.
What is the St. Jude League?
The St. Jude League unites thousands of devotees in a community of prayer and hope. The League provides the path for petitions of need and gratitude to be delivered directly to the altar of St. Jude at the National Shrine. These petitions are remembered in the Masses and prayers of the Claretian Missionaries at the National Shrine.
The St. Jude League also provides members with materials for prayer and reflection that can help inspire and encourage their spiritual life. The League promotes the Solemn Novenas to St. Jude, which take place five times a year at the National Shrine, and many other opportunities for prayer.
Through St. Jude’s intercession, we receive the support we need for the challenges we face in our lives, whether for a difficult experience like illness or death, or the occasional wear we feel from daily realities.
What is the schedule at the National Shrine of St. Jude?
Weekly Devotions and five solemn Novena services are celebrated at the National Shrine of St. Jude. They are scheduled as follows:
Weekly Devotion to St. Jude
A weekly devotion service to St. Jude takes place every Wednesday at the National Shrine of St. Jude at 5:30 p.m.
Solemn Novenas to St. Jude
- Winter Solemn Novena, February 15 - 23, 2025
- Spring Solemn Novena, April 26 - May 4, 2025
- June Solemn Novena, June 14 - 22, 2025
- August Solemn Novena, August 16 - 24, 2025
- October Solemn Novena, October 20 - 28, 2025
Novena services are held daily at 5:30 p.m. except Sundays at 3 p.m.
Who are the Claretians?
The Claretians—whose formal name is Congregation of Missionaries, Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary—are a world-wide Congregation of Catholic priests and brothers. The Congregation was founded by St. Anthony Mary Claret on July 16, 1849 in Vic, Spain. The first Claretians came to the United States from Mexico in the early 1900s. Today, Claretians in the United States work in a variety of ministries throughout the country. Our commitment is to provide services through preaching and community development for individuals, families, and communities with great need.
Learn more about the Claretians at
How will my donation be spent?
We are grateful for your financial support. Your gifts of any size make a very real difference for us and those we serve, helping us maintain our commitment to build a better future for as many of God’s people as possible. With your support, we make a difference in the lives of so many people around the country through our ministries, including:
The National Shrine of St. Jude and our St. Jude League: We foster the devotion to St. Jude in the U.S. through the National Shrine. St. Jude League members receive devotional materials throughout the year for prayer and reflection as part of their spiritual journey.
Building Strong Catholic Communities: Through our parish and community ministries, we tackle the rough realities of the poor in the U.S.—including hunger, poverty, violence, housing, parenting, and education—always with the people. We are strengthened in our work by the inspiration and power of God’s word.
Support for Seminarians: We pray always for vocations to the priesthood and brotherhood, and are grateful that our seminaries are filling with young men who have taken a leap of faith to dedicate their lives in service to the Church and those in need. They are focused on working to become leaders of our faith and blessings to the future of the Church.
Directions to the National Shrine of St. Jude
Please note: The National Shrine of St. Jude is located at 3200 East 91st Street in the South Chicago neighborhood of Chicago. The St. Jude League business offices are located at 205 West Monroe Street in downtown Chicago. All correspondence should be sent to 205 W. Monroe St., Chicago, IL 60606. For directions to the National Shrine of St. Jude, please visit our directions page.