Dear St Jude please help my younger daugther who is planning to join for a new job in her hometown .Please guide her in the right path and protect her from all wrong evil friends ,things and accidents .please wrap your healing arms around her and wipe away her past pains and agony and again bad past/current friends.
Please let her overcome her drug issue-she never did the de-addiction treatment-now we are back and have promised her to give her an Msc course abroad which will wipe me out of all my savings and i do not know what to do -somehow please let a good man come into her life to marry her and give her a life please please dear lord let that happen somehow please give us a miracle dear lord please .Please intercede to Jesus Christ our lord and saviour to save my daughter from destroying herself with her addictions.
please protect my daughter from all the enemies in my apartment building who now knows her issues.please dont let them trap her and ruin her future dear lord -please save her somehow from these people who are out watching her and her friends -she is in danger in her own apartment – she is a vey mild mannered person who is an introvert -brilliant brainy also -please help dear lord in getting her mind focussed in her new job and let her interest be kindled please –
i am burning inside and cant do anything till she is okay – please give me the best solution for her -please let her overcome her drug habits . thank you st jude -for everything all the favours to me and my family – thank you all at the shrine who pray unconditionally for us -thank you – god bless