Dear blessed St Jude please intercede to Jesus Christ our saviour and Lord to make my elder nurse daughter to pass her OSCE exam. today.
which is just started for her.
please let her be asked easy questions to which she knows the answers.
Please let ger not be frightened .Please let her have presence of mind and be in control and be confident.
please let her understand their accent / questions correctly and perform without any mistakes.and pass.
please let her get a mild gentle examiner who understands that she has no ward experience and asks questions suited for her.
please send miracles dear St Jude today to my daughter who is currently taking her exam.
please let your miracles shower on her .
a whole list of people lives are dependent on her passing today please.
she has taken huge responsibilities by marrying into a poor family.
please help us all survive by making her pass today..
I promise i will never forget this favour and will do everything to spread your powers.
Thank you..eternally grateful
Thanks to all ar the shrine
praying for all in the prayer circle may lord bring solutions to all your worries..