Dear blessed St Jude please intercede to Jesus Christ our saviour and Lord to help my elder nurse daughter to pass for her nurses registration exam OSCE this September 25th 2020
Please let her be able to understand,grasp, memorize and apply correctly during exam and pass all the stations with your blessings. she did very badly in a mock tezt and is very nervous.
please protect her and her nurse husband and 3 yr old baby all in 3 different countries waiting for her to pass .Please lord all of us are dependent on ger for money and emotionally and for my future plans .to stay in this country.
please give her confidence and good health and protect her family and make her stress free and focused on the exam.
please let some good tutor be able to help her by giving her coaching and maximum mock tests and 1: 1 .
We thank you for all the favours to my elder daughter since her nursing college dsys and before..
I think back with gratitude to you.
please send miracles for her to pass dear lord.
thank you …..always