Dear blessed St Jude ,
Please guide me now when it’s most needed
Please intercede to Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour to urgently come to my help.
I am not sure if to go ahead with the colonoscopy planned for me in 10 days .
I am scared because of my heart palpitations, breathing issues, panic attacks, Glaucoma and using Buscopan during colonoscopy increases the pressure in my eyes..
I am terrified.
The standards have gone down in all hospitals after corona.
Please guide Mr lord today if to go ahead or not .
My younger daughter will have no one …
My husband is with 4th stage cancer.
Please send your powerful miracles to take decisions on this matter.
Thank you for everything given to me and family. Only let your wish for me happen and let it be the right one. Prayers for all in this circle Amen