Thank you is all i have to say today my dear St Jude to you .
My MRI SCAN appointment came to me as a miracle and inspite of a train /bus strike in most parts of our area – i managed to get to the MRI centre and get the scan done with no problem because I had your image and prayers to you in my mind -so all went perfect and i was not scared to do the scan and could breathe without moving for 20 -25 mts . whenever i felt that i could not breathe i just prayed to you and all went well .
A million thanks to you .
You are there in my mind all the time and that gives me enough strength to get out of my bed in the morning. All things look so gloomy to me – i feel so depressed – my prayers get me the energy and nothing else.
Please let the MRI scan result be normal and no further problem and let the tapping and pain inside my head go away lord please – let it stop and its depriving me of sleep and my health is getting effected and also i am the only carer for my advanced cancer patient husband and i have to be alright to be able to support him lord – His radiotherapy will be starting in mid december and i have to be fit to be of help to him . please send your powerful miracles to help us please – we have very little money, no one to help other than my prayers to you which clears all obstacles and keeps us protected and floating safe — in this world which has gone upside down for us – especially stuck in the house with nothing but my husband’s cancer appointments and other health appointments and my own health problems- please lord free us from all these negativities and any bad curses on our house and evil people – set us free from our illnesses and let us have a life which we never had after our second marriage just 6 yrs back –
please let me be able to pass my driving test focus on it – and be able to get a car and some money somehow -my thanks to all at the shrine who pray for all unconditionally -may god bless you all and keep you healthy and wealthy – Thank you my dear St Jude for everything given to me and my family over the years -amen